
Worldbuilding Software for Writers

Worldbuilding Software for Writers

Develop your characters and story worlds across books and series - the easy way!

How Plottr Will Help You Organize Your Worldbuilding

Visualize Your World

Worldbuilding isn't just for sci-fi and fantasy! Whether you're writing romance, historical fiction, mysteries, or even a memoir... your story has a world, and Plottr can help bring it to life.
"Plottr optimizes the ability to build a world, enjoy the experience, and continue working on a series without worrying about forgetting a detail based on the built in architecture of the platform."
"Honestly, I've solved a lot of problems by using Plottr... I have previously used World Anvil and other software, and I found it too overwhelming, but Plottr? Plottr is perfect for my needs."
Elizabeth H.
Author and Editor

Create Your Characters

If your characters are giving you grief, Plottr makes sure you know why. Track everything you need to know about your characters to write your story – and filter out the rest.
"The templates are very good! They help you understand your characters on an emotional level and work toward their goals while also building the world around them."
Gabrielle Allen
Author and Illustrator
"I love the flexibility of Plottr, moving ideas around as a pantser is essential. I can also keep all the details of a project in one place, characters, setting details, and all those notes that make a world 'real'."
Emma Jaye

Take Notes and Tag Everything

Want to track your world's languages, cultures, religions, or items? With Plottr you can create unlimited, customizable Notes and Tags to conquer the complexity of your world.
"Before using Plottr, I had notes about plot, worldbuilding, and character scattered across multiple tools. Now with Plottr, that has changed! All my notes are under one hood, and I can link them with tags - much better for continuity and planning works that share details!"
Michael Harrington
"Without Plottr, I may have abandoned years of work spread over files and files of Google docs... Instead of immediately stressing and wasting tons of time in searches, I can find what I need in Plottr in no time. As I build the world and characters for the early books, it will make future books in the series so much easier."
C.L. Farmer

From Worldbuilding to Outline

When you're done developing your world, Plottr makes it easy to visually outline and refine the plot with draggable scene cards, plus over 30 templates based on proven storytelling structures.
"I have suggested Plottr to my book coach clients. I coach historical fiction. Plottr allows them to keep a chronological track of what is happening in the world during the time the story unfolds. The photo ability is great for visual learners to "see' what their world looks like."
Dee B.
Book Coach
"My books are usually pretty complex with multiple intertwining storylines, so it's easy to forget minor character details. I use [Plottr] for my worldbuilding and character development so I can just look back at it without needing to reread chapters in earlier books in a series."
Noel Snook

Export to Word & Scrivener

The fun is just beginning. Once you've finished worldbuilding and outlining your book, Plottr makes it easy to start writing — just export your files and get to work!

Join 30,000+ Savvy Writers Who
Build for Success with Plottr

"The joy of worldbuilding in fiction is honestly the joy of getting to play God. Because as an author, you get to build the world.” – Neil Gaiman

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Worldbuilding Software for Writers Made Easy

Plan. Write. Share. Learn.

Join 30,000+ writers who outline faster & organize smarter with the #1 visual book planning and series bible software.

Try it FREEfor 60 days!

Cameron Sutter Plottr founder and CEO

Help Is Always a Click Away

Your mission, should you choose to accept it: create a plan to finish your book. Our team is here to make it happen – contact us for support.


Plottr is a visual outlining tool built for published and aspiring writers of all kinds – novelists, screenwriters,  playwrights, academics, journalists, writing students, and beyond.

It helps pantsers just as much as plotters. Pantsers will enjoy the series bible and editing capabilities. Trust me, it's really going to help.

Whether you’re an outlining pro or your journey is just beginning, Plottr can help you visually (and creatively) build a plan to write your book!

It helps pantsers just as much as plotters. Pantsers will enjoy the series bible and editing capabilities. Trust me, it's really going to help.

After you write your first draft, you're still going to have to think about the plot and the character arcs and plot holes, etc. and make it all work together. You can do that after your first draft in Plottr just as easily as beforehand.

When you're on book 3 or 7 or 10 of your series, you're just not going to remember what that one character's eye color was, but your readers will. Having a series bible helps you save so much time!

Plottr Pro has all the features of Plottr but also adds cloud-based functionality such as a web app, automatic syncing across platforms (web & desktop), cloud backups, and real-time collaboration.

It is best suited for writers who plan to use Plottr while connected to the internet, don't intend to manage their files locally, and/or need to collaborate with a co-author, coach, or editor.

For Plottr: You can download Plottr on Windows & Mac.  Backups are stored on your computer and you can sync files across devices using a 3rd-party storage service (e.g. Dropbox, iCloud, OneDrive). 

For Plottr Pro: Plottr Pro is available to download for Windows & Mac as well, but you can also use your browser to use Plottr! That means you can use it on a mobile device, Chromebook, Surface Tablets, and any other device with a browser. It backs up to the cloud and syncs instantly between devices just like working with Google Docs.

We provide friendly and sometimes humorous support to all customers from a real, live person via email even on weekends when you need it most. We try to answer within a day, but often it's quicker than that!

We also offer a full suite of educational resources, including:

You can also view (and contribute to) our roadmap here.

Yes. All versions of Plottr are granted unlimited household licenses. You can use it on as many devices as you own!

For Plottr: It's a lifetime license that never expires! You get updates for life. You get access to your projects for life.

For Plottr Pro: If your account expires, you will no longer be able to access your projects or get updates and bug fixes afterwards without renewing.

For Plottr: Backups are stored on your computer as files and it's easy to revert to any stored backup.

For Plottr Pro: Backups are stored in the cloud and you can also save them locally to your device! It's also easy to revert to stored backups.

Both: Backups are made 2x per session per project. The first time is when you open a project for the first time that day. And the second time is when you're finished using a project.

So you will have 2 backups per project for every day that you have worked on it: one before you made any changes that day, and another after your last change.

For Plottr: Backups are stored on your computer as files and we can't access them (not even in the case of a broken computer) though we can help you find them on your computer.

For Plottr Pro: Backups are stored in the cloud and you can also save them locally to your device! We can help you access them and email you a backup file or just show you how to do it yourself.

For Plottr: You can sync files across devices using a 3rd-party storage service (e.g. Dropbox, iCloud, OneDrive). 

For Plottr Pro: It syncs to the cloud instantly between devices just like working with Google Docs.

We run many different types of events:

  • Genre-specific education
  • General Writing Craft education
  • Plot analysis
  • Networking
  • Accountability Groups
  • Office Hours
  • Writing Craft Book Clubs
  • And more!

To see what events are coming up, check out our events page!

The Plottr Community site is a private community that we host on Mighty Networks. It's not our Facebook group, though we do have one of those and we do enjoy reaching people on there.

This private community site is where we host all our educational events and let you connect and network. It's moderated so that we can maintain a friendly, supportive atmosphere. You can talk with other writers, learn from our coaches, hear some otter puns, and even group into accountability groups.

For right now, only people paying for the education plans (Plottr Pro + Education, or Education only) have access unless you have attended one of our educational events. In the future we will be opening this community up to anyone!

The Plottr Community site is a private community that we host on Mighty Networks. It's not our Facebook group, though we do have one of those and we do enjoy reaching people on there.

This private community site is where we host all our educational events and let you connect and network. It's moderated so that we can maintain a friendly, supportive atmosphere. You can talk with other writers, learn from our coaches, hear some otter puns, and even group into accountability groups.

For right now, only people paying for the education plans (Plottr Pro + Education, or Education only) have access unless you have attended one of our educational events. In the future we will be opening this community up to anyone!

If you already have Plottr Pro and you don't want the education plan, then there's no need to change anything. You get all the same benefits of Pro, just like the Pro+Education bundle.

We have found that writers thrive within a supportive community and that their chances of success are many times greater. For that reason and others, Plottr Pro is being bundled with our educational community.

This saves you more than 30% and it also sets you up for success, and seeing you succeed is what makes us happy!

So for now you can't get access to Plottr Pro without that sweet sweet, supportive community.

Even if you don't use Plottr or Plottr Pro, we'd still love to have you in our education community, so don't be shy! It's for anyone who is willing to be kind and supportive towards other writers and who wants that from others.

You can try out Plottr for free for 60 long days with the free trial!

This should give you plenty of time to try it and decide that it's right for you. Because of that, we don't give refunds after purchase.

If you cancel your subscription to Plottr Pro + Education or Education only, you will still have access until the end of the subscription period, but we don't give prorated refunds for unused time.

Yes, both Plottr Pro + Education and the Education only subscriptions are auto-renewing and we are not able to turn that off.

Yes. Reach out to Support and they can help you with that!