
Author name: Plottr

Susanne Lakin Scene Template - header

Susanne Lakin Scene Template: Crafting the Perfect Scene

Understanding the development of scenes is crucial for creating a captivating and well-structured story. A well-written scene can keep readers engaged, advance your plot, and provide significant character development.  Susanne Lakin’s scene structure is an excellent tool for creating adaptable and efficient scenes that will hold your reader’s attention and keep your story moving. And …

Susanne Lakin Scene Template: Crafting the Perfect Scene Read More »

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs scene template - header

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Scene Template Guide

As humans, we all have degrees of needs. Some are essential to survival, for example physiological needs such as shelter and food. Others are more social, emotional, spiritural or psychological. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a framework that will help you build scenes where your characters’ needs propel the action. Keep reading for a complete …

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Scene Template Guide Read More »