Join The Craftsman Author:
The Cure for Rapid Release Burnout

A five-day series on how to define and pursue what author success means to you, hosted by Troy Lambert with guest author Johnny B. Truant!

What can you expect?

Learn How to Define
Your Author Career, Your Way

Want to go back to the roots of why you fell in love with writing in the first place? Publish work of true craftsmanship instead of rushing to meet rapid release cycles? Then this series is for you.

The burnt out author
The Craftsman author webinar series

What is the conference schedule?

Five Insightful Days, Beginning May 13, 2024

Starting Monday May 13 and running from 12pm to 1:30pm EDT for each day of the series (9am to 10:30am PDT,  5pm to 6:30pm GMT), connect with authors Troy Lambert, Johnny B. Truant, and other participants. 

The event schedule:

What does it cost?

Pay What You Can or a Guest Contribution of Your Choice

To make the webinar series accessible, we've made admission Pay What You Can, from a minimum of $9.99 to a contribution of your choice.

Relaxed craftsman author

Meet Your Event Hosts

Learn more about the hosts of this series, guest author and speaker Johnny B. Truant and Plottr Education lead, author Troy Lambert.

Johnny B. Truant

Author Johnny B. Truant

Johnny B. Truant is the bestselling author of Fat Vampire, adapted by SyFy as “Reginald the Vampire” starring Spider-Man’s Jacob Batalon.

Johnny’s other books include
Pretty Killer, Pattern Black, Invasion, The Beam, Dead City, and over 100 other titles across many genres. 

Originally from Ohio, Johnny and his family now live in Austin, Texas, where he’s finally surrounded by creative types as weird as he is. You can learn more about his work at

Troy Lambert

Troy Lambert is a Plottr Education Lead, author, editor, and publisher who has dreamed of writing books since he was a young boy.

He has written over thirty novels, several works of non-fiction, and is a freelance writer, content strategist, ghostwriter, publisher, and editor.

Troy lives, works, and plays in Boise, Idaho, with his very talented dog, who is occasionally enlisted to write blog posts and book blurbs. You can learn more about his work at 

Get Your Ticket Now

Includes all five events and unlimited replays:


Will there be replays?
Yes, there will be unlimited replays in our events platform, Airmeet, for each day’s event.

Why is it ‘Pay What You Can’?
We want as many people as possible to be able to join us. If you can afford more than the basic admission price, please feel welcome to contribute what 7.5 hours of live events hosted by authors are worth to you.

Help! I can’t find my event link!
Please first check your spam folder in case your invite mail landed there. Contact Plottr support for assistance if you still can’t find your invite. You can also share any questions in the dedicated space for this event in the Plottr Community on Mighty Networks (access is included with your pass).